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Save and Become a Member

  • Best Value


    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (One Off Admin)
    Train as much as you like
    • Unlimited Classes
    • Unlimited Open Sessions
    • Also Includes All Hyrox Classes
  • 10 Classes Per Month

    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (One Off Admin)
    Any 10 classes or open gym sessions
    • Includes all classes
    • Includes Open Gym
  • Junior Boxing

    Every month
    Suitable for age 5-15
    • Attend up to 3 children's boxing classes per week
  • 121 Training Package

    Block booking for 5 x 121 PT Sessions
    Valid for 3 months
    • 5 x 1 hour 121 sessions with one of our coaches
    • Coach will contact you to schedule sessions
    • Expiry 3 months from purchase date
  • Family

    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (One Off Admin)
    For up to 3 nominated family members
    • 10 Classes Per Month (total)
    • Includes all BoxHIIT Gym adult and junior classes
    • Inlcudes Hyrox classes
    • Excludes BoxHIIT Amateur Boxing Club
    • Distribute 10 classes as you wish
  • Morning HIIT

    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (One Off Admin)
    Includes Tuesday and Thursday early morning HIIT class
    • Every Tuesday and Thursday early morning HIIT class
  • Self Train Membership

    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (One Off Admin)
    Self train - applies to open gym sessions only.
    • Unlimited Open Gym Sessions
  • Unlimited Couples Membership

    Every month
    +£15 Joining Fee (one off)
    Unlimited classes and open gym for you and your partner
    • Unlimited classes
    • Unlimited open gym
  • Junior HYBRID Membership

    Every month
    Includes any junior HYROX or DEKA classes
    • Junior HYROX
    • Junior DEKA
  • Unlimited Junior Academy

    Every month
    Includes all junior classes
    • Junior Boxing
    • Junior HYROX
    • Junior DEKA

Next DEKA Event - Sunday 7th July at THE HIIT BX 
Book your space now directly with Spartan DEKA.

Attention Bexhill! Spartan DEKA & The HIIT BX are excited to introduce our new challenge designed to test, gamify and celebrate your fitness. Spartan DEKA STRONG consists of (10) functional training zones with zero running. Compete and Earn your DEKA STRONG Mark and start training for DEKA FIT 2024! Sign up NOW! Limited Spots Available.

The Hiit Bx Ltd

3b Brett Drive, Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex, TN40 2JP

0800 010 6096

©2021 by Box HIIT Gym. Proudly created with

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